Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about David Slater Photographer Website and much more about photography.
David J Slater Photography
- The website of wildlife photographer David J Slater " Young Friends Enjoying Life " Appreciation of Wildlife and Our Planet and Recognising Wildlife Personality. Home of the "Monkey Selfie". Press ... Tel: (UK) 07999950697 All images ©David Slater 2000-20 …
David Slater
- Underwater, Wildlife, and Landscape Photography by David Slater
About - David Slater
- DAVID SLATER. I am an underwater photographer, marine biologist, and dive instructor currently living in Hawai'i. With my photography, I hope to show people the beauty of the ocean, the animals that call it home, and its current need for protection and restoration.
- David J Slater Wildlife Photography. Welcome to DJS Photography, the website of wildlife photographer David J Slater. If you're looking for wildlife photography workshops or high quality images for publication, with excellent rates for charities. Home of World Famous Imagery including: Monkey That Took Its Own Photograph
David Slater | KCRW
- David Slater. Professional wildlife photographer. Guest. Contact: Website. Recognized as a wildlife photographer who can consistently achieve award winning wildlife images, David J Slater has been invited to join several major image libraries. His wildlife images have been used not just on many magazine and book covers, but also as ...
Wildlife Photographer David J Slater - DJS Photography
- Wildlife Photographer David J Slater - DJS Photography. Let's spare a thought for other species right now. Some, like the Crested Black Macaque are dying because of humans, of all skin colours. Then maybe humans can come together and get aquainted with our greatest asset - Nature. I support your cause with my heart.
David Slater, the Photographer in the Monkey Selfie Court …
- When British photographer David Slater handed over his camera to a crested black macaque in 2011, he probably didn't think he'd be on the receiving end of a lawsuit from the monkey. The macaque took two 'selfies' with Slater's camera after he spent a long time teaching them to be interested enough in his equipment to take pictures of themselves.
Contemporary artist, Painter | David Slader, Art - Portland, Oregon
- David Slader is a Portland, Oregon Contemporary Artist. He is a painter of abstracted human figures and portraits. He is also an occasional junk sculptor, digital artist and photographer. David’s work comes from that no man’s land where the illusion of reality meets invention. In his Art Letters, David shares thoughts and news about art and ...
Monkey selfie copyright dispute - Wikipedia
- Since 2008, British nature photographer David Slater had traveled to Indonesia to take photographs of the critically endangered Celebes crested macaques.In 2011 he licensed several images to the Caters News Agency who released them, along with a written promotional press release with quotes from Slater, for publication in the British media.
Donald Slater Photography
- I am an archaeologist, educator, and photographer based out of Andover, Massachusetts. I developed a passion for photography in 1999 on my first archaeological field project in Belize. Since then I have been shooting as a way to document my archaeological work, my travels, and the world around me. I have a particular love for night photography, as well as wildlife and …
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