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9 Tips for Taking Better Pictures on Your Next Cruise
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Pro Tips for Improving Your Cruise Photography
- If you’d rather use your body to keep your phone or camera steady, hold your device with both hands and use your thumbs to move it around. You can also hold your elbows close to your body while pointing your device. Or, for taking photos in glass boats, put your elbows to your knees when you can to steady your device.
Picture Perfect: Cruise Photography Tips - Carnival Cruise …
- Whenever at port, make sure you get the big adventures and the small ones. This includes details of restaurants, food, signage, shopping areas, anything that strikes your fancy. Remember that it is always easier to delete a picture than it is to conjure up a photo out of thin air when the moment has passed. ON SHIP ACTIVITIES
9 Tips for Taking Better Pictures on Your Next Cruise
- 3. Pick the time to shoot. "The best light, particularly in the Caribbean, is early morning and late afternoon, i.e., the 'magic hour' just before sunrise or sunset," says Atkin. "Good pictures ...
What to Expect on a Cruise: Photography on Cruise Ships
- Get comfortable with your camera's hardware before the cruise; practice taking photos during the day, at night and both indoors and outdoors. Early morning or late at night are great times to ...
Picture Perfect: Cruise Photography Tips - Bower Power
- Ok so here is my list of must-have’s when it comes to cruise photography. THE SHIP. Don’t forget to take the shot of the ship when you get the chance. Most of the time the ship is at port with other ships and you might not have a good angle later so if you get it out of the way early, you can cross that off your list.
River Cruise Advisor's Guide to Better Photography
- Hold the camera still and steady while pressing the shutter, and keep it there until the camera has fully finished taking the shot. If you press the shutter and immediately move the camera, you’re going to be left with a blurry, unfocused shot. Look for interesting angles and situations.
Landscape and Wildlife Photography Tips - Princess …
- Frame the photo around that point. Use moving water as a composition element. Try using rivers and streams as lines in the composition, whether they're horizontal, linear, or dominant shapes in your photo. The contrast of moving water against the …
Cruise Lines That Offer Photography Classes
- However, many classes focus on the photos and videos that travelers will take during the cruise, including “Make Your Images Stand Out Like a Pro;” “Create Incredible, Shareable Videos in Minutes;” and “Create Amazing Albums for Your Photos.”.
The Ultimate Guide To Travel Photography (113 Best Tips!)
- Photo Editing Tips for Travel Photography. Photographing in RAW will make editing your images more efficient and you’ll have better quality. In the editing stage, adjust the colour temperature, the exposure, and add a bit of contrast. Adjust whites and blacks as well. Cropping and strengthening are also important.
21 tips and tricks that will make your first cruise go …
- On some cruise ships, you can bring your own drinks on board. (Photo courtesy of Princess Cruises) Bring extra toiletries. Yes, you’ll be able to find sunscreen, aspirin and Band-Aids on a cruise ship. But it’ll cost you. Cruise lines know you’re a captive audience and price their shipboard stores accordingly.
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