Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Cramatte Photographe and much more about photography.
- Jean-Luc Cramatte feels strongly that photography has a major role to play in understanding our society. This led him to insist on accompanying one of the national research projects (« PNR ») with photos. PNR 32 researched old age …
» Bio -
- cramatte. Navigation. Bio; Contact; Bio. Artiste photographe suisse, il s’est distingué par de nombreux projets aussi ambitieux qu’anticonformistes. On peut signaler, entre autres « Bredzon Forever » exposé au Centre d’Art Contemporain Fri-Art, à Fribourg 2010, et un inventaire de bureaux « Poste mon Amour » en 2008 (publié chez ...
Jean-luc Cramatte Photographe | Actuphoto
- Jean-Luc Cramatte, 1959 Vit et travaille en Suisse. Biographie 2008 Exposition Pasquart Bienne ... Concept et production de « Dimanche à Yaoundé » à partir des négatifs sauvés d'un photographe disparu. 2002 Exposition On the Road à Venise. Inauguration du Centre culture suisse avec « Présence suisse » et la Fondation de la Banque du ...
Jean-Luc Cramatte Photography Monographs and …
- Well acquainted with social fault lines, Cramatte may be deemed a photographer of upheavals, one good example of which is his series on Swiss post offices (Poste mon Amour, 2001-2008). An obsessive collector of pictures, including …
Jean-Luc Cramatte – Photographer | PhotobookDB
- Search by ISBN, book title, photographer, keywords, etc. PhotobookDB > Photographers Photographers > Jean-Luc Cramatte
Jean-Luc Cramatte - artist, news & exhibitions - photography …
- "Switzerland / Contemporary Photography" Barnabás Bosshart; Mario del Curto; Vera Isler; Reto Rigassi; Jean-Patrick di Silvestro; Max Oettli; John Bernhard; Alfred Jonathan Steffen; ... Solo exhibitions of Jean-Luc Cramatte; Fotostiftung Schweiz CH. Fotostiftung Schweiz Grüzenstr. 45 8400 Winterthur +41 52 -234 10 30. [email protected] www ...
Cramatte Jean Luc Photographe - AbeBooks
- Cardinal. Le houblon de la colère. Hopfen des zorns. Préface / Vorwort François Gross. by CRAMATTE, Jean-Luc (Photographe) and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at
Jean-Luc Cramatte Archives - 1854 Photography
- Tag: Jean-Luc Cramatte. Consumerism goes on display at the Lianzhou Foto Festival. ... Our portfolio includes British Journal of Photography, the world’s oldest photography title (est. 1854), and our awards are among the most viewed photographic exhibitions in history. Keep Inspired ...
Maxime Cramatte | Biography -
- Maxime Cramatte is an artist. Foundry Downtown Dubai featured Maxime Cramatte 's work in the past. In MutualArt’s artist press archive, Maxime Cramatte is featured in 13 UAE Art Shows to See This Summer: Monir Farmanfarmaian to Satwa 3000, a piece from The National in July 2021. Artist's alternative names: Satwa 3000
CRAMATTE, Jean-Luc (Photographe): - Cardinal. Le houblon de la …
- CRAMATTE, Jean-Luc (Photographe): Cardinal. Le houblon de la colère. Hopfen des zorns. Préface / Vorwort François Gross.
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