Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Clemens Ascher Photography and much more about photography.
Clemens Ascher
- Clemens Ascher is a photographer and visual artist. Clemens Ascher ProjectsIndexClose AboutCloseCheckout Clemens Ascher Clemens Ascher Projects Shop About, Contact [SHOP] Swipe MERCEDES C_CLASS There is no release € 35.- from the brain police Western Magic HITCHHIKING USA
Clemens Ascher Conceptual Photography at F and J Artists Reps
- Clemens Ascher graduated from the Miami Ad School Europe in Hamburg, where he completed his qualifications as an art director and commercial photographer. He specializes in conceptual and automotive photography. His talent was already discovered while he was still studying and won him awards such as the ‘German Student of the year’ from the ADC.
Clemens Ascher | LensCulture
- Clemens Ascher is an Austrian photographer and visual artist based in London Featured on LensCulture In the Garden: Colorful Dystopia Clemens Ascher Carefully designed to deliver perfectly manicured happiness and relaxation to its inhabitants—but for all its bright colors, this is a dystopian vision in utopian dress.
Clemens ASCHER - WORK - by SCHIERKE Artists
- In his photography Clemens Ascher creates clean minimalistic worlds in which he shows the most simplistic essence of reality through abstraction and reduction. He is renowned for his very distinct style of fine art as well as innovative automotive and fashion imagery. photo bio booking back to selection All Transportation Fashion Art Portrait
Clemens Ascher | Artist Bio and Art for Sale | Artspace
- Clemens Ascher Follow The Art of Clemens Ascher is multi allusive, in both his use of layered symbolism and his treatment of photography as a medium. In his works he continues to critically explore different methods of societal control.
young austrian photography | artists | clemens ascher
- Clemens Ascher, born in Innsbruck, graduated from the Miami Ad School Europe in Hamburg, where he completed his qualifications as an art director and commercial photographer. His talent was already discovered while he was still studying and won him awards such as the ‘German Student of the year’ from the ADC.
- In his photography Clemens Ascher creates clean minimalistic worlds in which he shows the most simplistic essence of reality through abstraction and reduction. He is renowned for his very distinct style of fine art as well as innovative automotive and fashion imagery. photo bio booking back to selection Biography
‘Of Rainbows And Other Monuments’ by Clemens Ascher
- Austrian-born photographer and visual artist Clemens Ascher creates clean, bold and graphic photography with a distinctly abstract-minimalist style. His dystopian spaces reveal the simplistic beauty of everyday scenes, structures and landscapes and his latest, titled ‘ Of Rainbows And Other Monuments ’ is drenched with a bold sense of colour.
The Art of the Personal Project: Clemens Ascher - A Photo Editor
- She has been involved in the photography and illustration industry since the mid 80s. After establishing the art buying department at The Martin Agency, then working for Kaplan-Thaler, Capital One, Best Buy and numerous smaller agencies and companies, she decided to be a consultant in 1999.
Clemens Ascher: There Is No Release from the Brain Police
- A selection of Clemens Ascher’s vividly colorful, surreal photography expressing contemporary alienationThis publication gathers works by Austrian photographer Clemens Ascher (born 1983), known for his conceptual staged photography and photorealistic collage works combining various...
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