Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Claudia Cebrian Photography and much more about photography.
Claudia Cebrian Photography |
- Claudia Cebrian Photography. Business Category: Family, Maternity, and Wedding. Profile. I love photography and it’s been a passion since childhood. Nature inspires me, I love clearing my mind with a good workout. And nothing …
Clau Cebrian — Marloe Gallery
- Claudia Cebrian approaches photography as a way of life. She established her photography studio in Miami in 2004 and has dedicated her career to showing her work and teaching others to her point of view. Her work explores people and the environment in very different ways: portraits, documentary and scenery.
Claudia Cebrian | LensCulture
- Photography is a for me a form of life, as a way to be part of the world. I focus on human beings and how they relate to nature, just like Mother Earth. From documentary, to conceptual and portraiture. I’m concerned about global warming, protecting the ecosystem, inequality, what’s superfluous versus genuine. As well as violence inspired social hatred, beliefs, fashion and how …
CV — clau cebrian
- Claudia Cebrian instagram @claucebrianfotos SKILLS • Experienced studio and nature photographer specialized in weddings, portraits, and commercial • Awarded at several international art and photography contests and exhibits • Familiar with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Lightroom software
Claudia Cebrian - Photographer - Clau Photography and …
- Claudia Cebrian Professional Photography owner of Clau Photography Weddings, Portraits and Branding photography. Key Biscayne, Florida, United States263 connections Join to …
Discover art by Claudia Cebrian | Affordable Art
- United States Claudia Cebrian approaches photography as a way of life. She established her photography studio in Miami in 2004 and has dedicated her career to showing her work and teaching others to her point of view. Her work explores people and the environment in very different ways: portraits, documentary and scenery.
Claudia Cebrian | Inspiration Photographers
- Todo este camino dio como fruto la creación de Clau Photography Fine Art, la empresa de fotografía social, especializada en bodas. Sobre o profissional. Nací en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Desde chica me encanto y atrapo la fotografia. Desde el 2001 resido en Miami y en 2003 empece con mi estudio de fotografia de bodas y retratos ” Clau ...
Claudia Cebrian / Water Glances | Imago
- Claudia Cebrian’s photography settles on the edge of the oneiric sphere. Avoiding the surrealist radicalism but maintaining the force of the enigma, Cebrian creates images where nature and the feminine world converge in mysterious relationships. Psychological experiences as a woman and an immigrant shape a good part of her work.
The Deep Blue Sea — Claudia Cebrian and the LCA · Lomography
- ©Claudia Cebrian. Tell the Lomo community a bit about yourself. I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. My family and I moved to the US in 2002, and it’s thanks to my professional success as a photographer that I was able to receive my residency.
Claudia Cebrian best wedding photography Florida
- Claudia Cebrian best wedding photography Florida. by brideboxwpblog · April 2, 2014. ... Top 4 Vegan Wedding Caterers In The US. 26 Jul, 2013. How to Ensure You Are Happy With Your Wedding Photography. 27 Apr, 2012. How Should I Announce My Engagement on Social Media? 18 Jan, 2017. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Your email address will not be ...
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