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Chemtrail Plane Unmasked? - FLYING Magazine
- By Robert Goyer. March 12, 2015. Conspiracy theorists love aviation. One of the kookier theories is that the government operates high-flying aircraft to leave chemical contrails of …
Chemtrails Switch Photo |
- Conspiracy theorists pushing the idea that chemtrails exist have been using the above-displayed photo as proof since at least 2014, when it was posted on a forum. The photo, however,...
Mysteries of Flight: Chemtrails - Plane & Pilot Magazine
- And as far as Point Three is concerned, every image and video that purported to show chemtrail activity has been debunked. One showed ballast barrels in the cabin of a jet going through certification flight testing, where water barrels are used for ballast to simulate passenger loads; another video merely showed venturisenerated trails from a departing airliner, and the …
The Government’s Hidden Agenda: A Look Inside Chemtrails
- Witnesses have photographed military and unmarked jets who leave these long-lasting trails. The chemicals that are being released are said to be unknown, because only a few planes in the world can analyze them and they are expensive. Chemtrailers have said they have tested the soil that these chemtrails have fallen on and have found chemicals.
Stolen Skies: The Chemtrail Mystery - Earth Island Journal
- Chemtrail photos from France, Australia, Scotland and Germany may be viewed on the author’s website []. Another Scary Scenario According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Co., the only way to form artificial clouds in warm dry air is to introduce enough particulates into the atmosphere to attract and accrete all …
Fact Check: These Photos Are NOT Associated With ... - Lead …
- Claim: Chemtrails proof has been declassified.
Truth about Donald Trump's tour of a 'chemtrail plane
- Websites and YouTube channels have reported that the image is proof that "chemtrailing" has taken place. The Chemtrails conspiracy theory is one of the most supported on Earth and counts the late...
Air Force 'whistleblower' claims plane 'chemtrails' are ... - Metro
- An interview with an ex U.S. Air Force ‘whistle blower’ offers what conspiracy sites would claim is ‘conclusive proof’ that it’s the latter. Either that, or it’s pure, gibbering lunacy ...
My month with chemtrails conspiracy theorists - the Guardian
- I look up. The white stripe looks like a normal contrail of jet engine exhaust to me. But to Tammi, a 54 year-old organic farmer, it’s a “chemtrail”: a toxic cocktail of …
Chemtrails: What are they spraying? - Richmond County Daily …
- This is not the total list. The one chemical that is being sprayed the most is aluminum. It can cause all sorts of health problems. The chemical primarily attacks the central nervous system and ...
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