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Brad Pitt’s Chanel No. 5 Video: Hot or Weird? - The Hollywood Reporter
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Brad Pitt Is The Face of Chanel No. 5 - ABC News
- Brad Pitt Is The Face of Chanel No. 5. By Melissa Morrissette May 9, 2012. Chanel, Photographer: Greg Williams. Chanel has announced Brad Pitt as the newest model for their Chanel No. 5 perfume.
- The new CHANEL N°5 film. Starring Brad Pitt. Facebook. 0. Twitter. 0. Pinterest. 0. Linkedin. ... Fashiontographer is involved in philanthropy through Walter Grio's SHOOT FOR CHANGE initiative, where money from photography services go to a nonprofit organization of the client's choice. Since 2006, Shoot for Change has raised over $120,000 for ...
Brad Pitt's Chanel No 5 ad: the smell of disaster
- 305. 305. Brad Pitt fronts a new campaign for the women's fragrance Chanel No 5 in an ad directed by Pride and Prejudice director Joe …
Brad Pitt Is The First Male Face of Chanel No. 5 (UPDATED)
- It's official: Brad Pitt has evolved from his disheveled days into a sleeker, more polished Brad. The newly coiffed actor has been chosen as the first male face of Chanel No. 5 perfume, E! Online reports. (Gaspard Ulliel appeared in a Chanel men's fragrance ads, but at least as far as we can tell, he was never the official spokesperson of No.5.)
Brad Pitt The New Face Of Chanel No.5 |
- Brad Pitt Is the New Face of Chanel No. 5. The actor is the first male to represent the women's fragrance. By jencress Updated May 09, …
The Brad Pitt Chanel No.5 commercial is here and he has …
- Brad must take fragrances very seriously (and hair cuts not so much) because the tone of the entire commercial is sombre and emotional. The Chanel No.5 bottle never even shares a frame with Brad Pitt, instead making a 2 second appearance at the end, before cutting back to Brad so he can finish it all off by saying “inevitable”.
Your Daily Eye Queue: Watch Brad Pitt's $7 Million Chanel …
- And here you are: Brad Pitt’s Chanel No. 5 film. (Written by GQ’s very own Style Guy, ... From award-winning writing and photography to …
Brad Pitt’s Chanel No. 5 Video: Hot or Weird? - The …
- Brad Pitt most likely never intended his first commercial for Chanel No. 5 to be hilarious. The ad, shot by Golden Globe nominated-director Joe Wright, shows the actor and Chanel spokes-celebrity ...
Brad Pitt and Chanel N 5 - Photography Forums
- Shooter 35mm RF Dec 9, 2012 #1 In some newspapers in England (I assume also in other countries) there is a portrait of Brad Pitt being used to promote Chanel N5. I can t help thinking this is printed too soft, as a higher contrast print would (I feel) improve the message for this image. What do others think?
My Aesthetica: Chanel No. 5 and Brad Pitt
- Chanel is using Brad Pitt to find out. In mid-October, the brand will do a global unveiling of its first project with Pitt (whom it signed in May): a commercial and print ad for the iconic Chanel No.5. “To keep a legend fresh, you always have to change its point of view,” said Andrea d’Avack, president, Chanel Fragrance & Beauty. “It is ...
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