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Portfolios - Carol Isaak Photography
- Lan Su Chinese Garden, My Refuge China in America: California & Oregon Inner Mongolia India: Dreaming in Detail India: An Almost Ordinary Day Portal to Nowhere Myanmar Tapestry China Synthesis Sacred Objects & Acts Final Destination Structure & Light Broken … Read More
Final Destination - Carol Isaak Photography
- Isaak Plotkin. A physical memorial is the final destination for those of us who choose that form of concluding ritual. But a gravesite is also a statement. Sometimes the gravesite is modest and reports little beside our name and dates. Other times we display our honors, our portrait, and our loyalties. We are father; we are uncle; we are golfer ...
Sacred Objects & Acts - Carol Isaak Photography
- “Sacred” resonates differently with individual cultures across age groups. What is sacred to me might be insignificant to you. But each of the images here have some sort of meaning to one group or another: From the gigantic Buddha at sunrise, to a man blowing the shofar (ram’s horn) during morning prayer throughout the month preceding the Jewish New Year.
China Synthesis - Carol Isaak Photography
- Here is a blended taste of contemporary China: city and rural, developing and traditional, polished and rough. The environment is adorned with calligraphy as well as with spaces that are modulated by lattices mediating and fracturing the light entering a … Read More
Myanmar Tapestry - Carol Isaak Photography
- Because Myanmar (formally called Burma), abuts southern China, it is easy to imagine that one is an extension of the other. But, nineteen thousand foot high mountains divide the two countries, creating by necessity distinct cultures. In Myanmar, although primarily … Read More
Carolyn Isaak | Vermont Center for Photography
- Carolyn Isaak | Vermont Center for Photography Carolyn Isaak A native of New Hampshire, Carolyn has been the Executive Director for the New Hampshire Chapter of the American Institute of Architects for the past 15 years and has provided graphic design and newsletter design and production for a number of other non-profits over the past 30 years.
Carol Isaak — Blue Sky Gallery
- Born in the East, but a loyal Portlander after 26 years. After an art school education, I am a self-taught photographer, having had a number of solo shows. Recently 4 exhibits in China. A one-person show coming up at Camerawork Gallery in September. Pricing. All images 7.5" printed on 16" square sheet. $225 each
Carol Isaak — Portland Photographers Forum
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