Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Carol Feil Photography and much more about photography.
Home - Carol Feil
- by Carol Feil | May 8, 2022 | faith walk, forgotten, parenting, perseverance, relationships, resilience. Mother’s Day is a celebration that lives in the tension of lifes messy middle. ... Photos by Makenzie Photography ...
About - Carol Feil
- Hey, there! I’m Carol. My last name is Feil, pronounced like “file.” I wear yellow boots in the garden, doodle in my Bible, and spontaneously take pictures of all things. I am passionate about truth and believe being rooted in the character of God will make us ready to face whatever life brings.
Blog - Carol Feil
- I'm Carol Feil-pronounced “File.” I’m a yellow-boot-wearing gardener who relishes wordsmithery and photography and has a passion for the “mom bent” set in every woman’s heart. My fondest identifications are as a daughter, daughter-in-law, mom to three,...
Contact - Carol Feil
- Let’s Work Together. Contact Carol about an upcoming event, or send an encouraging message. She reads every email and will get back to you as soon as possible.
Connect - Carol Feil
- carolfeil. Some days you need someone who gets you, someone like a mom, to remind you to be rooted in God, and ready to dig deep into His faithfulness. Load More Follow on Instagram.
- Carol Feil
- FacebookPin I didn’t know “seasonal” could describe friendship or that not all friendships last a lifetime. In my mid-twenties & struggling to understand recent friendship shifts, I observed my mother, a time-tested military wife. She had moved many times, and didn’t have a bestie or a group of gal-pals she reached back to as […]
Speaking - Carol Feil
- “Carol Feil is an engaging and sincere speaker with depth and an infectious passion for speaking God’s truth. She will make you laugh, cry, and surrender to the message presented in a beautiful and godly manner.” Melissa Brogdon, Director of …
Carol Feil - Posts | Facebook
- March 7 · Hi! I'm Carol Feil—pronounced “File.” I’m a yellow-boot-wearing gardener who relishes wordsmithery and photography and has a passion for the “mom bent” set in every woman’s heart. My fondest identifications are as a daughter, daughter-in-law, mom to three, mother-in-law to two, and grandma to one.
Carol Feil - Home
- Carol Feil. 260 likes · 13 talking about this. Some days we need someone to understand, someone like a mom. You'll find that understanding here, as we …
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