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Canon U.S.A., Inc. | Take Hold of the Beauty of Bounce …
- For seasoned flash photographers, the AI.B Semi-auto mode can maintain the specified bounce angle when the camera's orientation is changed. This means you can store the bounce angle you’ve defined in the flash’s memory, and can …
Canon U.S.A., Inc. | Bounce Flash Made Easy
- Canon has introduced such a flash that will change your flash photography for the better, freeing you up to concentrate on the action in front of you, instead of the technical …
5 Simple Bounce Flash Photography Tips - SNAPSHOT
- To change how shadows appear, bounce light in a different direction. There are two ways to …
[Part 1] Let’s Start Bounce Flash Photography
- Steps for Bounce Flash Photography 1: Attach the Speedlite to the camera Attach the Speedlite flash unit to the hot shoe of the camera, and …
[Part 2] Bounce Flash Photography -
- 1: Determine the bounce flash angle while checking the image to capture Distance to the model is about 1.5m. The Speedlite is at 45 degrees angle toward the ceiling which is about 1m away. You can see that the background of the model is brightened effectively. Taken from the same position as the left sample, bounce angle is set to about 65 degrees.
Canon U.S.A., Inc. | World's First Flash Equipped with …
- Wherever you are on your journey to mastering flash photography, it’s easy to simplify and streamline your techniques with the ground-breaking Speedlite 470EX-AI, the world’s first flash with an AI (Auto Intelligent) Bounce function*. It can select and maintain the ideal bounce flash angle and settings, automatically swiveling the flash head into place to help easily create …
12 Best Canon Camera Flashes to Buy in 2022 - ExpertPhotography
- The Canon 270EX II allows you to do this while also giving tilt functions. This Canon flashgun is the most basic one for Canon cameras. It does not have any manual controls, and it just functions with TTL (through-the-lens) metering. This flash kit is handy for amateur photographers who want to place external flashes in different places around your shot. It has an impressive refresh rate …
Canon's Automatic Bounce Flash Speedlite 470EX-AI with …
- See how easy it is to improve the look of your photos with automatic bounce flash. Join photographer Vanessa Joy as she walks you through the features of Can...
Bounce Flash in Photography: The Essential Guide
- Bounce flash starts with the right angle. By bouncing the flash in different ways, you’ll end up with different shadow shapes, which can easily make or break a photo. Really, you need to think of the surfaces around you as a sort of mirror, and think of your flash as a …
Bounce Flash Tutorial - YouTube
- Tony is shooting with the
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