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Can a person who blocked me on Facebook see a photo I posted …
- No, the person who blocked you cannot see the photos of yours even if a mutual friend was tagged in it. Because, the photo resides in your account, it has to show up to the users from your account. Since, there is no access to your account for the one who blocked you, they cannot see that photo. I’ll elaborate it,
If you block someone on Facebook who you have tagged photos …
- No, the person who blocked you cannot see the photos of yours even if a mutual friend was tagged in it. Because, the photo resides in your account, it has to show up to the users from your account. Since, there is no access to your account for …
Are photo tags automatically removed when I block someone?
- If any of your mutual friend have added a photo and tagged that person (whom you have blocked), you will see only that person name but name will no longer link to the person’s Timeline. No, blocked person has not removed the tags on your photos (if blocked person has not removed tags before get blocked). It has just disappeared. Share
How do I control who sees posts and photos that I’m tagged in on …
- Select Settings & Privacy, then click Settings. In the left column, click Profile and Tagging. Look for the setting Who can see posts you're tagged in on your profile? and click Edit to the far …
What Happens When You Block Someone on Instagram
- Can the Blocked Person See Changes in Profile Picture and Bio Yes. If they can access your profile from previous comments or messages or even through username, they will …
What Happens When You Block Someone On Instagram In 2022
- The blocked person will still be able to see your profile and profile picture. This is all what happens when you block someone on IG. ... Yes, the tag of the blocked person will be removed from your photos. The tag will be restored if you decide to unblock them later. I …
When I tag someone in a post or photo, who can see it? - Facebook
- If you don't want your photo, post or other content to be visible to the friends of the person tagged, you can turn this setting off for each post before or after you post it. To turn off this setting: Go to the photo or post. Click in the top right. Click Edit audience in …
I blocked someone, if mutual friends tag me in their story, can that ...
- Yes because you blocking them doesn’t affect their ability to see anyone else’s content (even if you’re tagged). It’s like if you have a private profile, if someone tags you in their story their followers can still see it even if they don’t follow you. If you blocked them however, when they try and click on the tag your profile won’t load. level 2
If I block someone on Instagram can they see liked pics on a
- 1- You can block a person who has already blocked you, if they are tagged in a photo. Simply find a photo that they are tagged in from their tagged photos section (since they blocked you, you have to do this with another account obviously) , then find the photo with your account which they blocked, click the tag button on the left bottom of the picture and voila you
Can people on Facebook see photos in albums hidden from them when ... - MUO
- The person you blocked is able to see the photo you are tagged in, if it is on the profile of your mutual friend.he will see your name in black/grey letters , unlink links of the profile of other tagged people.your second question:If you post something on your mutual friends wall/timeline, it will not be visible to the blocked person.(based on test results of 7th Feb 2012)
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