Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Butch Belair Photographer and much more about photography.
About Butch Belair | Flickr
- Butch Belair is an inspiration. So talented and nice... His work for Steve Madden is the best! December 12, 2007 Drewsays: Butch is one of those rare people who can't help but be creative in everything he does. His photography, digital design, illustration and painting skills are amazing.
Butch Belair - Brooklyn, New York, United States - LinkedIn
- Director, Photographer, Illustrator, CG artist Butch Belair Jan 1985- Jun 201328 years 6 months NYC and the World In a past life I went where the wind took me …
The Butch Belair Page - Home - Facebook
- The Butch Belair Page April 23, 2013 · HOT PRESSED AND A HALF PINT Painting the Familiar on the Strange Got some new paper. Arches, hot pressed satin. Loving it so far. I was getting tired of fighting the texture of the cold pressed block, but It took me a while to realize I could simply change my paper. ... See More 1212 3 Comments
Butch Belair | Flickr
- Explore Butch Belair’s 329 photos on Flickr!
Meet the correspondents: NEW YORK CITY > Butch Belair
- October 31, 2009 “I’m a photographer and digital artist living in Brooklyn. Perhaps because I work in advertising where many hands shape my work, drawing is something I do for myself, like a meditation: sitting for long stretches of time, calmed by the varied forms, texture and fabric of the city and how they are changed and shaped by light.
The Butch Belair Page - Home -
- The Butch Belair Page. 176 likes. Butch Belair is a Photographer and CG artist working In New York.
Butch Belair | Discography | Discogs
- Sell This Version. 0777 7 99398 2 4, K2-99398. Barrio Boyzz. Barrio Boyzz - Crazy Coolin' (CD, Album) SBK, SBK Records. 0777 7 99398 2 4, K2-99398. US. 1992.
To El and Back: a film about Butch Belair on Vimeo
- We just completed the next sketchbook film —it's about Butch, my pal who's a famous photographer, then became a 3-D illustrator and then, a couple of years ago, took up watercoloring in a small book. …
Butch Belair | ArtistInfo
- Butch Belair. Photographer and CG artist. External Links Home Page Facebook Discogs. ArtistInfo App ArtistInfo for iOS and ArtistInfo for Mac are presenting musicians, composers and producers that are envolved in the musical work that you are listening to in Apple Music, iTunes, or Spotify. Discover new music via the network among artists.
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