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Macro Photography by Brian Valentine | Cuded
- Macro Photography by Brian Valentine. Virtually all the shots he takes are in his garden. Brian Valentine is an early retired PhD Microbiologist living in Worthing South Coast UK. Retirement enabled him to re-kindle his …
Stunning photograph by Brian Valentine -
- Stunning photograph by Brian Valentine. by Janet Carr; Posted on May 21, 2021 May 20, 2021; These cyclamen look like swans. Brian Valentine is an amazing photographer. Most of the things he photographs are in his backgarden, which he manages to make into a fairytale universe. Find Brian here. Share this:
brian valente photography
- all images copyright brian valente. photographs are available in framed and unframed limited edition prints. Contact me for details [email protected] Thanks for visiting, I hope you enjoy the natural world as much as I do.
Brian Valentine Photography - Landscape Juice
- Brian Valentine Photography. I am on the search for the website of garden and wildlife photographer Brian Valentine. Brian's work is featured this morning on the Daily Mail site showing some macro images of flowers through the 'orbism' (I might have made that word up!) of a dew drop. Truly amazing captures, something I have tried before myself ...
Photography Perspectives: Brian Valentine’s Beautiful …
- We’re having a blast talking with some of the best photographers in our midst, and we hope that you’re enjoying these Q&As, too. Next for your weekend reading: You may know him as LordV, DGrin Macro Artist-in-Residence aka Brian Valentine, bringer of bugs.Brian is a generous tutor, having written numerous detailed photography tutorials for DGrin and other photography forums.
Be Mesmerized With These Artistic Macro Photography - Naldz …
- Brian Valentine, a.k.a. LordV, is a retired PhD Microbiologist who loves plants, small life forms, and photography.When these interests combine, Brian creates a series of magnificent macro photography of various plants and flower. Mr. Valentine’s style differentiates his works from any other macro photography.
Brian Valentine | Flickr
- Explore Brian Valentine’s 65,031 photos on Flickr!
A Bug’s Eye View – Macrophotography by Brian Valentine
- Brian Valentine is a UK macro photographer who goes by the name LordV. A fan of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, he first used Lord Vetinari as a handle, it was only later that he shortened it to LordV. He is an avid fish-keeper and gardener. It is here in his organically maintained garden where he takes most of his shots.
Incredible images of fish, cats and eyes captured through …
- Talented Brian Valentine took the incredible shots by placing a magazine advert behind grassy water droplets in his back garden in Worthing, Sussex. ... Amateur photographer Brian, who used to ...
Brian Valentine - Wikipedia
- Henry Brian Valentine (born November 28, 1959) is an American software executive. He has held positions at large companies including Intel, Microsoft and Early ... Valentine joined Ivy Softworks, an Innovation Studio in Seattle, in September 2014 where he worked until 2015. References This page was last edited on 1 ...
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