Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Black And White Film Photography Forums and much more about photography.
Black and White Photography Forum
- Film and Digital Black and White Photography Learning Forum. youtube Steam Contact us. Forums. New posts 5x4 Large Format Forum Photoshop Plugins. What's new. New posts Latest activity. Upgrades. ... Black and White analog film photography. Threads 998 Messages 6.7K. Threads 998 Messages 6.7K. Just got a Fuji GSW690111. Today at 9:03 AM;
Black and White | Photography Forums
- Photography Forums. Forums > Practice and Technique > ... What Black and White film would you like to see revived? Latest: keith_tapscott, Apr 22, 2022. Reuse Rodinal 1:50? Latest: glen_h, Apr 4, 2022. tiny white specks in scanned b/w. Latest: AlanKlein, Mar 7, 2022.
Black and White Photography - Photography Forum
- This forum is exclusively for enthusiasts of black and white photography. Shooting in black-and-white simply adds a timeless appeal to any photo. The rich tonality and the unique palette often create a different texture for any photo, presenting an otherworldly appeal for your images. This technique can actually make any photo better.
Is Black and White film photography hard? - …
- Black and white cityscape with no filter results in mostly white/grey blob in place of sky, and the building are just shades of grey put on that white background. It makes no impression, no "wow" effect. Possible improvements: - use red filter to darken the blue sky and bring in some drama, however, that would not work with overcast sky.
Black & White Film Photography | AVForums
- I've decided to jump back into 35mm film photography. I used to do loads back in the '90s, film and print developing, and have a hankering to give it another go. I'm not intending to go down the enlarger/print-making at home, but film developing should be pretty simple to return to, and then I'll use my Epson scanner to work on the negatives.
Black and white film | Photography Forums
- Photography Forums. Forums > Practice and Technique > Film and Processing > Black and white film. Discussion in 'Film and Processing' started by photon_man, Aug 21, 2004. ... is a different kind that is "real" black and white film. And those you can print your pics in a home darkroom relative easily. Can
Black and White Photography Forum: Digital Photography …
- Black and White Photography. Welcome to the Black and White Photography Forum, the place to discuss techniques and share galleries and tips related to black and white photography. Community moderator: rick decker . New thread Subscribe.
: Black and White Photography Forum: Digital …
- All forums Black and White Photography Change forum.
Black & White Film Photography - A Beginner's Primer
- By Torus34 at Wed, 2006-06-28 22:04 This article, submitted by TPF member Torus34, is the first in a series of articles regarding B&W film photography, written exclusively for The Photo Forum! Black and White Film Photography - a Beginner's Primer by …
15 Best Black and White Film to Buy (Ultimate Buying Guide)
- 3. Kodak Tri-X Pan 400. The Tri-X Pan 400 is Kodak’s best black and white film stock. It’s a good, multi-purpose option that produces smashing results. The 400 ISO level makes it versatile. You can work outside when conditions aren’t favourable, and the results will still have deep tones and sharp contrasts.
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