Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Bill Ganzel Photographer and much more about photography.
Photographer Bill Ganzel on Sixties Survivors
- Photographer Bill Ganzel. American, b. Lincoln, NE, 1949. Raised in west central Nebraska and the Lincoln area, Bill Ganzel is a photographer, author, designer and multi-media producer with over 35 years experience. In the late 1970s, he obtained a series of grants to support the field work for Dust Bowl Descent.
Bill Ganzel Resume
- Grundberg wrote, "Photographer Bill Ganzel, who in 1974 [actually the late 70s] spoke with and photographed many of the people from the iconic FSA images, dismisses the charges as irrelevant, saying that the pictures accurately portray 'a larger reality.'" (page 70) ... "Nudes by Bill Ganzel" One-person show, Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery ...
Bill Ganzel, photographer
- Bill Ganzel, photographer Photographer Mary Ellen Mark died yesterday. When she worked for LOOK, one of the photos she shot was of Arlo Guthrie, “The Successful Anarchist,” as the LOOK article put it. Arlo is one of the folks I still need to document for Sixties Survivors. Mary Ellen Mark also photographed the “real” Alice of “Alice ... Bill Ganzel: Books, Biography, Blog, …
- Photographer Bill Ganzel tracked down some of the same people and places first photographed by the Farm Security Administration (FSA) during the Great Depression of the 1930s. In this completely new iBook edition, then-and-now photo pairs plus 17 embedded video segments bring the images and actual voices of survivors of the Depression to life. ...
Landscape Photographs by Bill Ganzel
- The Ganzel Group Communications produces compelling content, innovative Web design and streaming media for educational and historical Web sites. Landscape Photographs by Bill Ganzel. The photographs are a few from an ongoing series of landscape photographs usually presented in large prints. Most of these are shot with an 11 x 14-inch view ...
Key Personnel of the Ganzel Group Communications
- Bill Ganzel, executive producer, photographer, writer, editor. I have over 30 years experience as a print and media production, and I'm currently president and principal of the Ganzel Group Communications, Inc. Before that I was an executive producer with the Nebraska Public Television Network for 27 years.
Bill Ganzel Résumé
- "Nudes by Bill Ganzel" One-person show, Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, Lincoln, NE, January 1978. "Images of Nebraska" Group show with three other Nebraska photographers, sponsored by the Nebraska State Historical Society. The show toured to …
The Ganzel Group Communications, Inc.
- The Ganzel Group Communications, Inc., is an association of talented media professionals dedicated to producing compelling multimedia experiences. What makes us different is that we produce our own original content and bring decades of experience to the task. Author, photographer, designer and video producer Bill Ganzel heads the group.
Past and Present: Photo Projects Put the 1960s, 1930s ... - Omaha …
- Photographer Bill Ganzel of Lincoln, wants to capture the historic and dramatic changes in culture, art, and politics that the 1960's brought with his project “Sixties Survivors.” ... s Museum of Modern Art that sought to bring people together through photos compiled from hundreds of international photographers. Ganzel felt drawn to the ...
The Real Story Behind the ‘Migrant Mother’ Great …
- When Bill Ganzel, a photographer for Nebraska Public Television, interviewed and photographed Thompson in 1979, she told him that while a young mother, she typically picked around 450-500 pounds ...
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