Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Avforums Motorsport Photography and much more about photography.
Had a bash at a Motorsport Photography Guide... | AVForums
- none
Motorsport Photography: WEC Silverstone 2017 | AVForums
- AVForums. Home Forums > Tech & Gadget Forums > Photography Forums > Photo Sharing > Motorsport Photography: WEC Silverstone 2017. Discussion in 'Photo Sharing' started by Sniper Ash6, Apr 22, 2017. Tags: motorsport; photography; Apr 22, 2017 at 10:36 PM. Sniper Ash6, Apr 22, 2017 #1.
motorsport | AVForums
- Motorsport or motorsports is a global term used to encompass the group of competitive events which primarily involve the use of motorised vehicles, whether for racing or non-racing competition. The terminology can also be used to describe forms of competition of two-wheeled motorised vehicles under the banner of motorcycle racing, and includes ...
Motorsports | AVForums
- Anyone else here enjoy watching Motorsports or ever been to a racing event before? If so, what kind of racing?
motorsport photography tips | AVForums
- there was a really good guide on here, can any one point me in the direction of it?? cheers
Motorsports Photography General Discussion Thread
- I love action/motorsports photography. I've had the opportunity to shoot 5 AMA Pro Motocross Nationals and numerous local races. I would love to shoot some FIM Superbike events but I have no access to anyone that could make that happen. Nor do I have a reason to shoot it other than I want to. I shoot a lot of local car shows through the summer ...
Motorsports, Digital Photography Forums
- for THEME: Paper White | Darker. MARGINS: (this page: defaults) Latest registered member is everydaykids. 1034 guests, 166 members online. Simultaneous users record so far is 15144, that happened on Nov 22, 2018.
Motorsports Talk, Digital Photography …
- STICKY: Motorsports safety for photographers [page 1, last page: 6] by IndyJeff (over 17 years ago) 1: 4 months ago by Charlie Victor. 76: 59,140: 3; ... Digital Photography Forums is the website for photographers and all who love great photos, camera and post processing techniques, gear talk, discussion and sharing ...
Motorsports Photography & Focal Lengths?| Off-Topic Discussion …
- For most work, I just carry two lenses: 70-200mm f/2.8 and a 17-40 f/4.0. Those are used on a 1.6x crop Canon 7D MkII. I also carry a 1.4x converter but don't use it that much. For the head-on action shots that Dave Green gets at the Challenge, he's using a 400 f2.8 lens on a …
Motorsports, Digital Photography Forums
- Competitive motorsport photos.. To talk about this subject, go to discussion forum Motorsports Talk. Search forum. 159,297 posts, 17,303 threads, 577 pages ...
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