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What Is A Telescope Autoguider? - Wired Cosmos
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10 Best Best Autoguider For Astrophotography Reviews …
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Autoguiders for Astrophotography – Mile High …
- Autoguiders for Astrophotography – Mile High Astronomy Autoguiders for Astrophotography Autoguiders provide the small continuous corrections to keep your telescope pin-point on target. Complete Autoguider packages offer an all …
Telescope Autoguiders | Buy a Telescope Autoguider or …
- For astrophotography applications, an Off-Axis Guider such as this particular unit from Celestron is an essential accessory because it makes heavy guide scopes unnecessary. Allows the same scope to be used for both imaging and guiding. Eliminates …
Selecting a Guide Scope and Autoguiding Camera for …
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Autoguiding - Astrophotography - Articles - Cloudy Nights
- The first popular dedicated autoguider was the SBIG Star Tracker 4 (ST-4). This was a miniature dedicated CCD imaging camera primarily intended for use as a guider. It was cooled, as premium CCD imagers are to this day. This permitted high sensitivity and relatively long exposures while keeping noise to a minimum.
Best Autoguider and Guide Scope for 2022 - Astronomy …
- An autoguider is basically a camera that can either connect to your mount or a computer and tracks a specific star. When the selected star moves more than a specified amount away from the spot where it is supposed to be in the images the camera takes, it tells the mount to move a certain amount to keep that star dead in the center of the frame.
Selecting a Guide Scope and Autoguiding Camera for …
- During the length of the exposure, the astro-imager follows the motion of a star—the guide star—and, when the star appears to move slightly because of errant motion of the mount, applies a corrective signal to the mount to move the star back to its original position.
Autoguider - Beginning Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
- Autoguider - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I am asking what does everyone think is the best Autoguider for a 10 Schmidt/Newtonian on a 40lb. max mount. I do not want to over burden the mount. I am already at 34.5 lbs. ... Equipment (No astrophotography) ...
Selecting a Guide Scope and Autoguiding Camera for …
- The more sensitive the guide camera, the smaller the objective can be, but something in the range of 50-80mm is a good place to start. Anything bigger than 80mm gets too heavy for most affordable equatorial mounts for astrophotography such as Sky-Watcher or Orion EQ-5 or EQ-6 class mounts, the Celestron AVX, or Losmandy GM-8 or GM-11.
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