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Armenians and Armenian Photographers in the Ottoman …
- During the late-nineteenth century, some of the principal studios in Constantinople were owned and operated by photographers of Armenian descent. Pascal Sebah, for instance, opened his "El Chark" studio in 1857, and by 1873 …
Armenian Photography Foundation
- Transromance, a series of twelve mixed-media photocollages by LA-based Armenian artist Samvel Saghatelyan, was exhibited as a one day performance-event, which took place at the private apartment in Yerevan, Armenia on …
Armenian Photography in Ottoman Anatolia
- In this episode, Armen T. Marsoobian offers us the unique lens of the Dildilian family of Armenian photographers in provincial Anatolia. Around the turn of the twentieth century, the Dildilians worked to memorialize portraits of …
About | Armenian Image Archive
- Armenians have long been active in photography, from around the world, including Armenia, Turkey, Canada, Lebanon, Iran and the United States. Armenian photographers have been prominent in major news bureaus, Hollywood, even the White House. Armenian photographers continue to play a role in shaping the way we see the world today.
Armen Asadorian Photography Portfolio
- Portfolio of photography sessions for headshot, fashion, product, commercial and wedding photography from Armen Asadorian Photography..
19th Century and the Rise of the Photographic Arts | Armenian ...
- Constantinople was the central hub in which Armenian photographers prospered. Numerous studios opened in quick succession. The collection contains carte de visit portraits by photographers such as G. Baghdasarian (1860s-1880s) and Boghos Tarkulian (whose studio Phebus was among the most favored by the Ottoman elite).
Malikian Collection
- The second phase in the history of Armenian photography may be regarded as the period following the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and extending through the 1960s. For the Armenian refugees who endured and survived the massacres and the mass deportations from Anatolia, the task facing this generation of survivors was the restoration and the ...
Tatev photos, art and photography | A. Mnatsakanyan, Armenia
- Syrian Armenian Photo Project. My photos of Syrians in Armenia is a part of the economic project GIZ EISRA that aims at integrating Syrian refugees in the Armenian society, Since the start of the civil war in Syria, Armenia has welcomed around 22.000 Syrians of primarily Armenian descent who brought with them entrepreneurial spirit and the drive to start a new life.
About | Malikian Collection
- Armenian photographers commanded a significant role in the development of photography in the Ottoman Empire and the Middle East. Thus, they were undoubtedly pioneers who played a dominant role in the early history of Near East photography.
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