Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Anzenberger Agency For Photographers and much more about photography.
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- Wednesday - Friday 12 - 6 pm, or by appointment call +43 1 587 82 51 or email WELCOME at AnzenbergerGallery - the platform for photography based art. We offer from small affordable works, contemporary …
Anzenberger Agency Archives | 1854 Photography
- Tag: Anzenberger Agency. ... Media is a multi-award-winning digital media organisation with a global community including millions of photographers, arts lovers and international brands. Our portfolio includes British Journal of Photography, the world’s oldest photography title (est. 1854), and our awards are among the most viewed photographic ...
Anzenberger Agency Photographer Milach Wins PBN Award
- The Anzenberger agency has informed us that one one of their photographers has one the PBN blurb award. PRESS RELEASE Polish photographer RAFAL MILACH, of the Anzenberg agency wins PBN blurb award in the documentary category for his work IN THE CAR WITH R – his travel through Iceland as well as two other Anzenberger photographers win …
foto8 - EI8HT magazine
- Regina Maria Anzenberger Agency for Photographers Zeinlhofergasse 7 A - 1050 Vienna Austria ph +43-1-587 82 51 fax +43-1-587 90 07 email: web: AnzenbergerAgency …
Anzenberger Photographers: faces and places - Bookshop …
- by Anzenberger Photographers. Photographs: Toni Anzenberger, Michael Appelt, Matthias Breiter, Pablo Castagnola, Friedrich Fischer, Horst Friedrichs, Rudi Froese, Fausto Giaccone, Alain Giraud, Philip Gostelow, Christine De Grancy, Robert Haid. Text: Regina Maria Anzenberger (editor) Publisher: Anzenberger Agency and Anzenberger Gallery. 56 pages
22 Photographers | Bookshop Anzenberger Gallery
- This book presents a representative cross-section of the work of the Anzenberger Agency photographers: highlights from their highly diverse creative prodcutions, including several previously unpublished features, grouped under eight major themes: Daily Life, Conflict, People, Religion, Festivities, Adventure, Architecture and Nature.
biography Regina Anzenberger | AnzenbergerGallery
- Born in Vienna and raised in Pressbaum, Lower Austria; painting and photography since age 13. Twelve years painting with oil and red sand from the Australian desert; artist, curator, founder and director of the Anzenberger Agency and Gallery; director of …
Regina Maria Anzenberger Presents 22 Photographers
- Regina Maria Anzenberger Presents 22 Photographers book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. The work of classical photo agencies is...
22 Photographers: Anzenberger, Regina Maria, Lessing, …
- 22 Photographers [Anzenberger, Regina Maria, Lessing, Erich] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 22 Photographers
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