Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Anuschka Blommers Niels Schumm Photography and much more about photography.
Anuschka Blommers and Niels Schumm - Photographer
- Buffalo Zine (Editorial) published: May 2021. Zegna special. Fantastic Man (Editorial) published: May 2021. Photography Anuschka Blommers and Niels ... Dust Magazine (Editorial) published: March 2021. Dust Magazine Issue #18 Spring/Summer 20...
Anuschka Blommers & Niels Schumm: The Future of Sex
- If you’ve picked up a fashion magazine since the late 1990’s you will undoubtedly have stumbled across the photographic work of Bloomers & Schumm. The Amsterdam duo were never intent on launching their practice into the world of fashion editorial, nevertheless this has arguably been the most predominant arena in which their work has excelled. With an eye for …
Anuschka Blommers & Niels Schumm -
- Haus der Photographie DE. Haus der Photographie / Deichtorhallen. Deichtorstr. 1-2. 20095 Hamburg. +49 (0)40-321030. Tue-Sun 11-18. © Anuschka Blommers und Niels Schumm: Veröffentlicht in Mode Depesche Nr. 8; "Yves Saint Laurent" (Warum diese Portraits falsch herum sind, wird klar, wenn man sie umdreht.
Anuschka Blommers & Niels Schumm: Anita and 124 …
- Anuschka Blommers & Niels Schumm: Anita and 124 Other Portraits [Blommers, Anuschka, Schumm, Niels, Benaïm, Laurence, Ruyters, Domeniek] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Anuschka Blommers & Niels Schumm: Anita and 124 Other Portraits
Anuschka Blommers & Niels Schumm: Anita and 124 …
- Text by Laurence Benaïm, Domeniek Ruyters. Anita and 124 Other Portraits surveys 10 years of fashion and other photography from Anuschka Blommers and Niels Schumm, and is the first book to bring together all the wide-ranging elements of their increasingly closely watched collaboration. The duo is known for playing with the conventions of fashion in …
Anuschka Blommers Photographe | Actuphoto
- Anuschka Blommers & Niels Schumm: Anita and 124 other portraits. Anita and 124 other portraits surveys 10 years of fashion and other photography from Anuschka Blommers and Niels Schumm, and is the first book to bring together all the wide-ranging elements of their increasingly closely watched collaboration. The duo is known for playing with the conventions of fashion in …
Artist details Anuschka Blommers & Niels Schumm - photography …
- In ‘Delusions’, The Ravestijn Gallery presents a selection of thirteen optical illusions from the oeuvre of Blommers & Schumm wherein confusion is omnipresent. A recent series of four misleading stills for the erotic paperback…
Photography Anuschka Blommers and Niels Schumm
- In this picture: Nigel Herrenauw. Credits for this picture: Anuschka Blommers and Niels Schumm (Photographer), Patrick Welde (Fashion Editor/Stylist), Hester Wernert (Hair Stylist), Kathinka Gernant (Makeup Artist), Monika Domarke (Casting Director) In this picture: Freek Mol.
- Photography, photography, photography, photography, photography, photography. Email ...
Anuschka Blommers / Niels Schumm, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Wessel O’Connor gallery, New York, exhibition curated by Vince Aletti (Village Voice) Photography series “Le regard noir’ in collaboration with Viktor & Rolf for Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam, published in ‘Blvd’, ‘Item’, ‘Fastfood’, ‘view on color’, cover of …
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