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- Baltrop was born in the Bronx in 1948. He photographed constantly at the Hudson River piers from 1975 to 1986, and the thousands of negatives from that project constitute his chief photographic legacy. He risked much to work there. In order to spend more time at the piers, he gave up his job as a taxi driver and became a self-employed mover.
Alvin Baltrop: Pier Photographs, 1975-1986 -
- Many ON ALVIN BALTROP photographed the piers themselves, right up to the of Baltrop’s photographs incidentally capture Matta- moment they were razed.
Alvin Baltrop: Photographs of a Dystopian Past - Village …
- The Piers (Collapsed) (c. 1975-86) by Alvin Baltrop. Silver Gelatin Print, 4.5 x 6.7 inches. Photo sourced from the Bronx Museum for the Arts. Greenwich Village’s Hudson River piers have always held a certain clandestine fascination for some segment of the public.
Alvin Baltrop: pier photographs, 1975-1986. - Free Online Library
- Baltrop was born in the Bronx in 1948. He photographed constantly at the Hudson River piers from 1975 to 1986, and the thousands of negatives from that project constitute his chief photographic legacy. He risked much to work there. In order to spend more time at the piers, he gave up his job as a taxi driver and became a self-employed mover.
Alvin Baltrop: Pier Photographs, 1975-1986 -
- Alvin Baltrop: Pier Photographs, 1975-1986. 12 Pages. Alvin Baltrop: Pier Photographs, 1975-1986. Douglas Crimp. Download Download PDF. Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package. This Paper. A short summary of this paper. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. Read Paper. Download Download PDF.
He Captured a Clandestine Gay Culture Amid the Derelict …
- Alvin Baltrop’s photograph of sunbathers at the abandoned West Side piers in Manhattan. During the 1970s and ’80s, the piers drew an ever-shifting population of homeless people, teenage runaways,...
Alvin Baltrop: remembering New York's forgotten queer …
- Baltrop photographed the westside piers of Manhattan, today where the multi-million-dollar Whitney Museum resides. When a nearby highway collapsed in 1973, it took the city roughly a decade to fix...
Alvin Baltrop: The Piers | Queer Culture Collection
- He took thousands of photographs about people’s life at the piers. The photographs represent the expression of the clandestine sexuality of the gay community in public spaces and they remind me of Chauncey’s Gay New York. After coming back from the Vietnam war, Baltrop attended the School of Visual Art in New York City.
Alvin Baltrop — Making Queer History
- Baltrop’s pier photographs were on display for a time at the Bar in New York in 1992. His artwork was featured on the cover of Art Forum four years after his death in 2008 for “Douglas Crimp on Alvin Baltrop.” His photography was exhibited at the Bronx Museum of the Arts, Fotomuseum Winterthur, and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina ...
Bronx Exhibition Spotlights Alvin Baltrop ... - Smithsonian …
- Alvin Baltrop, "Pier 52 (Gordon Matta-Clark's "Day's End") ... In the preface to an unfinished volume of his pier photographs, Baltrop confessed that at …
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