Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Alex Lim Photography Seattle and much more about photography.
Alex Lim Photography - Seattle, WA - Yelp
- Location & Hours 55 S Atlantic St Ste 408 Seattle, WA 98134 S Utah Ave & S Colorado Ave SoDo Get directions Edit business info Request Information You can now request information from this business directly from Yelp Request Information (206) 713-7333 Get Directions 55 S Atlantic St Ste 408 Seattle, WA 98134 Browse Nearby
Alex Lim — photography - ShockBlast
- Alex Lim — photography Alex is a 29 year old fashion photographer based in Seattle/San Francisco. A half-Chinese/half-German sagittarius, he believes in the use of logic & morality over religion. He is inspired by music, nature, love, & self …
Alex Lim on Behance
- Alex Lim is a fashion photographer based in Seattle with availability around the US. Alex delved into photography shortly after leaving college in 2005, & has quickly developed a loyal following. Clientele range from top shelf modeling agencies, spas, salons, & boutiques, to luxury brands like Breitling. Coming from a martial arts background, he brought with him the discipline & values …
Alex Lim Photographer on Modelisto
- Alex Lim is a fashion photographer based in Seattle, with availability around the country & abroad. Alex delved into photography shortly after leaving college in 2005, & has quickly developed a loyal following. Clientele range from top shelf …
Alex Lim (atreidex) Photos / 500px
- Alex Lim Seattle-based photographer. Traveling often. Mostly focused on airborne and wilderness related visuals... 43,065 Affection …
Alex Lim - Facebook
- Alex Lim, Seattle, Washington. 5,942 likes. Photographer
-Alex Lim - a Photographer from Seattle, United States | Model …
- Alex Lim is a fashion photographer currently based in Seattle, with availability in the San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, & Vancouver markets. Alex delved into photography shortly after leaving college in 2005, & has quickly developed a loyal following.
Local Seattle Photographer, Alex Lim – HIGHSTRUNG
- On Friday, Molly and I met with local Seattle photographer, Alex Lim. We met him at his studio in SoDo. Covered with plants, and other aesthetically pleasing interior decor, it was a nice setting to conduct this interview. To start off, we wanted to ask him a little bit about his background. Alex decided that he wanted to become a photographer ...
Alex Lim on Behance
- Alex Lim is a fashion photographer based in Seattle with availability around the US. Alex delved into photography shortly after leaving college in 2005, & has quickly developed a loyal following. Clientele range from top shelf modeling agencies, spas, salons, & boutiques, to luxury brands like Breitling. Coming from a martial arts background, he brought with him the discipline & values …
Blair Lim
- Welcome. I'm super happy you've found your way here. I'm Blair - A wedding, engagement and adventure photographer based in Seattle, WA. Photography and the chance to capture life and work with people while we laugh and explore together have truly made my life so much sweeter. I want to help you remember the season of love you are in right now ...
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