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A Photographic Guide To Birds Of The Himalayas …
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Photographic Guide to Birds of the Himalayas Paperback
- A Photographic Guide To Birds Of The Himalayas (Photographic Guides) $10.36 (2) In stock. Color photographs and short descriptive accounts for 252 of the most commonly encountered birds of the Himalayas. An excellent reference and field identification aid. Illustrated with over 240 color photos, Print length 144 pages Language English Publisher
A Photographic Guide to Birds of the Himalayas …
- A Photographic Guide to Birds of the Himalayas (Photographic Guides) 3rd Revised edition by Grewal, Bikram, Pfister, Otto (2013) Paperback on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A Photographic Guide to Birds of the Himalayas (Photographic Guides) 3rd Revised edition by Grewal, Bikram, Pfister, Otto (2013) Paperback
A Photographic Guide to Birds of the Himalayas | NHBS …
- The Himalayas, the world's highest mountain range, are a birdwatcher's paradise. Many of its species are high altitude specialists, including Tibetan and Himalayan Snowcocks, Snow Partridge, Ibisbill, Tibetan Sandgrouse, Hume's Groundpecker, Tibetan Snowfinch and …
9781853685750: A photographic guide to birds of the …
- This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the wide variety of birdlife to be found in the Himalayan mountains bordering Pakistan, India and Nepal. Over 250 native species are included in the book and each description is supported by a colour photograph taken, where possible, in the bird's natural Himalayan habitat.
A Photographic Guide to the Birds of the Himalayas
- This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the wide variety of birdlife to be found in the Himalayan mountains bordering Pakistan, India and Nepal. Over 250 native species are included in the book and each description is supported by a colour photograph taken, where possible, in the bird's natural Himalayan habitat.
9781843308089: A Photographic Guide to Birds of the …
- Ideal for the travelling bird watcher, this useful guide provides a comprehensive overview of the wide variety of birdlife to be found in the Himalayan mountains bordering Pakistan, India and Nepal. Over 250 native species are included in the book, each description supported by a clear colour photograph taken where possible in the bird's ...
A Photographic Guide to Birds of the Himalayas …
- A Photographic Guide to Birds of the Himalayas (Photographic Guide) by Bikram Grewal, November 1, 2004, New Holland Publishers Ltd edition, Paperback - 2Rev Ed edition
A photographic guide to birds of the Himalayas (1998 …
- A photographic guide to birds of the Himalayas by Bikram Grewal, 1998, New Holland edition, in English. It looks like you're offline. Donate ♥. Browse Menu. Subjects Library Explorer ...
PDF Download Free A Photographic Guide To Birds Of The …
- This easy-to-carry pocket guide presents in an easily accessible form, key identification facts cove 252 Himalayan birds, both resident and migratory, occurring from the foothills up to the higher elevations. The species descriptions begin with the common name, scientific name, and the length height of the bird.
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