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Photography: Taken, not Made - Echo Gone Wrong
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Photography: Taken, not Made - Echo Gone Wrong
- When photography is made, not taken, the subject matter can become completely irrelevant or even non-existent. Although it is a taboo to talk about abstraction in photography, this term is the closest to describing the vortographs of Alvin Langdon Coburn (c. 1915) as well as the large color prints by Wolfgang Tillmans (c. 2008).
- PHOTOGRAPHS ARE MADE NOT TAKEN I am a firm believer that "Photographs are Made not Taken" Cameras do not see what we see & cannot record what we feel. Cameras are merely mechanical devices without a soul. Cameras can collect information, but their images do not communicate our memories and feelings without development.
A Photograph Is Not Taken – Photographers' selection
- I'm not the author who said, "A photograph is not taken, it is made", but that is my experience. After you take that decent picture, it yields it's potential when it is cropped well and the important elements have been brought into prominence by lightening and darkening specific elements, color correcting, selectively adjusting contrast, and other editing.
Photography: A photograph is not taken, it is made!
- A photograph is not taken, it is made. This is the number one thing that I have learned in this Digital Photography class. At first, I would just take photographs ignorantly without considering any rules of composition. The point and shoot technique …
“Photographs Not Taken” | The New Yorker
- For “ Photographs Not Taken ,” a new book published by Daylight, the photographer and writer Will Steacy asked photographers to abandon their usual tools and make a picture without a camera.
Photographs Not Taken: A Collection of Photographers' …
- Photographs Not Taken is a collection of photographers’ essays about failed attempts to make a picture. Editor Will Steacy asked each photographer to abandon the conventional tools needed to make a photograph—camera, lens, film—and instead make a photograph using words, to capture the image (and its attendant memories) that never made it through the lens.
Photography: Taken, not Made | Alise Tifentale
- When we look at a photograph and see what is depicted, we overlook the materiality of the photograph itself. Perhaps all we need to know about photography was said already before photography became a subject for art historians’ debates. “This …
"Great photos aren't taken, they're made" -
- The difference between “Taking” and “Making” a photo you’d print and hang on your wall is subtle but the results can vary immensely. Making a photo could be as simple as dropping to one knee and using a different aperture rather than taking the photo from a standing height and using the auto setting on the camera.
A Photograph Is Not Taken, It Is Made
- A Photograph Is Not Taken, It Is Made ... ‘Drive-By’ — 35mm film photo, @lomography film + Olympus pen halfframe #film #filmfriday #35mm #halfframe #halfframeclub #filmphotographic #driveby #drivebyshot #exploredinary #lomochrometurquoise #ddfilmfriday (at Lakewood, Dallas)
The photograph not taken: A tribute to Baba Aweh Beeri
- The photograph not taken: A tribute to Baba Aweh Beeri. Sharing true human connection is the deepest of human communications. It is the best feeling a human being can ever hope for. It is the true...
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