Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about A Keen Photographer Meaning In Hindi and much more about photography.
keen - Meaning in Hindi - कीन मतलब हिंदी में - Translation
- keen adjective. having a sharp cutting edge or point. "a keen blade". painful as if caused by a sharp instrument. Synonyms : cutting, knifelike, lancinate, lancinating, piercing, stabbing "a cutting wind". "a stabbing pain".
photographer - Meaning in Hindi - फटग्रैफ / फटाग्रफर …
- Spoken pronunciation of photographer in English and in Hindi. photographer का मीनिंग, photographer का अर्थ ।.
Hindi Translation of “photographer” | Collins ... - Collins Dictionary
- A photographer is someone who takes photographs, especially as their job. तस्वीर खींचने वाला व्यक्ति mn छायाचित्रकार mn फ़ोटोग्राफ़र mn
Keen meaning in Hindi - Keen का मतलब हिंदी में
- Keen meaning in Hindi Keen is a english word. Keen Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब) keen = उत्सुक. Usage: He was a keen player of outdoor sports. keen = इच्छुक. Usage: She is keen to take on medical line. Usage: He is keen on marrying your sister. keen = तीक्ष्ण/पैना/तेज़
Photographer meaning in hindi - Photographer Arth and Definition
- Photographer meaning in hindi. फ़ोटोग्राफ़र मतलब. [सं-पु.] - 1. फोटो खींचने वाला व्यक्ति 2. छायाचित्र बनाने वाला कलाकार; छायाचित्रकार।.
Keen meaning in Hindi, Meaning and Translation of Keen in Hindi ...
- Quotes From Books. Keyboard: OffLanguage:English. Keen Meaning in Hindi. Adjective. 1. अकुंठित(p. akuMThita ) 2. उत्कट(p. utkaTa ) 3.
keen meaning in Hindi | keen का हिन्दी अर्थ - Multibhashi
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Hindi Translation of “keen” | Collins English-Hindi Dictionary
- keenness uncountable noun दिलचस्पी nf रुचि nf ...his keenness for the arts. 3. adjective If someone is keen, they have a lot of enthusiasm for a particular activity or for things in general. उत्सुक जिज्ञासु I've interviewed him and he seems very keen. She was a keen photographer. keenness uncountable noun उत्सुकता nf जिज्ञासा nf
keen photographer - English definition, grammar, pronunciation ...
- Among the seven was Father Francis Browne, a Jesuit trainee who was a keen photographer and took many photographs aboard Titanic, including the last-ever known photograph of the ship. WikiMatrix Established in 1936 by two brothers, Julius and Gilbert Durst, who were enthusiasts in the field of photography, encouraged by their mother, who was ...
keen photographer definition | English dictionary for learners
- keen photographer translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'mad keen',keenly',ken',knee', examples, definition, conjugation
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