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A Great Victory For Canadian Photographers (via CAPIC)
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A Great Victory For Canadian Photographers
- Includes a provision to award photographers first ownership on commissioned works; a right held by all other creators; Canadian photographers now have all legal rights to their images; Did you know? There are over 14,000 professional photographers working and living in Canadian communities from coast to coast
- a great victory for canadian photographers OTTAWA, November 7, 2012: At last, Canadian photographers own their copyright. The Canadian Association of Professional Image Creators (CAPIC) would like to congratulate all Canadian photographers in Canada on this important date and pivotal achievement in the photographic industry.
A great victory for Canadian photographers — Digital Grin …
- Discussion A great victory for Canadian photographers Author Date within 1 day 3 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 2 months 6 months 1 year of Examples: Monday, today, last week, Mar 26, 3/26/04
CAPIC - A Great Victory for Canadian Photographers.
- A Great Victory for Canadian Photographers. The Canadian Association of Professional Image Creators (CAPIC) would like to congratulate all Canadian photographers in Canada on this important date and...
The Great Canadian Photography Copyright Victory! - ANIMAL
- The Great Canadian Photography Copyright Victory! 11.08.12 Irina Dvalidze Canada passed a major reform bill today liberating every single Canadian photographer from never-ending arduous bureaucratic runarounds, granting each one the right to maintain copyright of all work they produce, even if the work is commissioned.
A Victory for Canadian Photographers!
- a great victory for canadian photographers OTTAWA, November 7, 2012: At last, Canadian photographers own their copyright. The Canadian Association of Professional Image Creators (CAPIC) would like to congratulate all Canadian photographers in Canada on this important date and pivotal achievement in the photographic industry.
A Great Victory for Canadian Photographers! : photography
- Canadian photographers now officially own the copyright to all of their work whether the photograph is commissioned or not, thanks to the new … Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts
Canadian law finally gives photographers copyright to all …
- According to CAPIC - The Canadian Association of Professional Image Creators, the passing of the new law is 'a great victory' which ensures that 'Canadian photographers, albeit the last in the industrialized world, now have all legal rights to their images'. 'Finally' said André Cornellier, Copyright Chair of CAPIC in a statement on the organization's website, 'we have won …
- A GREAT VICTORY FOR CANADIAN PHOTOGRAPHERS OTTAWA, November 7, 2012: At last, Canadian photographers own their copyright....
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