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Shooting Landscape Photography with the Pentax 645D
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Pentax 645 System for Landscape Photography | Hark …
- Because, let’s not fool ourselves; the 645 system has always been for landscape photography. It is not there to be cuddled. It is meant to be covered with flurries in the high Sierra, beaten by hail in the stormy Grand Canyon, and …
Review - The 645 System for Landscape Photography
- The 645Z compared with 35mm full frame. (a) The 645 system still holds an edge over any 35mm full frame system in resolution. (b) With the 51.4MP Sony sensor, the 645Z offers better low light performance than most …
Landscape Photography with the Mamiya m645 Super
- The Mamiya m645 Super with the 80mm f/2.8 lens is not ideal for landscape photography. Stopping down the lens, like you would expect to do …
Landscape Photography and the Pentax 645 -Pros and …
- I use both a Mamiya 645 camera and Rolleiflex TLR, and find myself using the Rolleiflex 90% of the time when it comes to landscape photography. The three main reasons are: 1. The Taking lens on the Rolleiflex is unbeatable. 2.
About - 645 Imaging
- 645 Imaging Chris Saunders is an award-winning accredited professional Perth based landscape photographer primarily focusing on aerial and abstract images of the Australian environment. His unique style brings a painterly feel to the genre that allows the images to take on ethereal forms from the captured light and textures.
Best 645 for landscape photography? - …
- But for landscapes, you will be able to see the difference in 12"x18" prints. The Pentax 645 lenses are contrasty and seem a little sharper than the Mamiya 645 lenses. The Bronica PE normal and telephoto lenses were generally very good with high contrast and excellent sharpness. But I found the wide-angles to be very disappointing.
Is 645 Medium Format Worth It? | Fstoppers
- Given that 645 is nearly three times larger than 35mm, there is a substantial improvement in detail when comparing photographs taken with lenses of approximately equal angle of views. For those...
645 Imaging
- Aerial and landscape photography from Western Australia and surrounding areas including Perth, Broome, Margaret River, Shark Bay and further afield. AIPP Australian Professional Photographer of the Year 2018 AIPP WA Professional Photographer of the Year 2018. ... 645 Imaging ...
Review of the Pentax 645z from a landscape photographer
- The lens range for the Pentax 645z is very extensive for medium-format. To convert from 645 to get the equivalent 35mm focal length then just multiply by 0.8. The lens ranges from 20-480mm (in the 35mm) There are a large variety of prime lenses (including two leaf shutter lenses) a few zooms and 2 tele-convertors.
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