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Shooting Portraits on 4x5 - Tobias Key Photography
- Stop down your lens. As mentioned above, large format lenses wide open have razor thin depth of field. F5.6 equates to f1.2 in full-frame …
Photographer Stefan Litster Shoots Portraits on the …
- Photographer Stefan Litster created this “photo adventure” video showing how he shoots portraits on the street with a Tachihara 4×5 large …
4x5 portrait photographers and cheap 8x10 (wishful thinking)
- LF photography has always intrigued me but I have never taken the leap. I know that you can enter 4x5 relatively cheap me but many of the large format images that I like were shot on 8x10... 1. Are there any fashion/portrait photographers that used mostly 4x5. I really like the work from...
4x5 portrait photographers and cheap 8x10 (wishful thinking)
- I know that you can enter 4x5 relatively cheap me but many of the large format images that I like were shot on 8x10... 1. Are there any fashion/portrait photographers that used mostly 4x5. I really like the work from roversi, avedon, and demarchelier to name but I believe they used 8x10 and iin that industry it makes sense to "skip" 4x5.. 2.
An introduction to 4x5 large format photography Part: 1
- An introduction to 4×5 large format photography Part: 1. I have been meaning to have a 4×5 introduction on the site for a long time, so when …
45 Best Portrait Photographers - Famous Modern Portrait …
- His portraiture allowed people to see worldwide prominent figures from a completely new perspective. This portrait photographer's recognizable style, with identical background and lighting in all of his imagery, has drastically changed the way most famous people are perceived. 5. Mario Testino.
4x5 camera +lens for portraiture | Photography …
- Using the old rule of thumb that a good portrait lens is twice the length of the normal lens, you would chose a lens of about 300mm for the 4x5, but most users choose a lens a little shorter to give them more room to worK in normal sized studio settings and still obtain the better "modeling" of a slightly longer than normal lens.
Shooting Portraits with a Large Format Camera for the …
- Here’s an 8-minute video by photographer Irene Rudnyk with a behind-the-scenes look at her first experience in shooting portraits using a …
4x5 Lenses - Choosing the Best Focal Length - Alex Burke …
- View fullsize. “Clearing Fog at Loch Vale” - Ektar 100 4x5, 90mm lens - 2 seconds at f32, 2 stop soft GND filter. Prints Available. Now we go just a little less wide with a 90mm lens. The 90mm is probably the most common, most affordable, and easiest to …
Angus Parker Photography | Good Lenses for a 4x5 View …
- Good 4x5 Lenses A few of my favorites: SSXL 80/5.6, SSXL 110/5.6, Fujinon CM-W 125/5.6, Sironar-S 150/5.6, Nikkor M 200/8, Nikkor M 300/9 Picking a good set of lenses for a 4x5 view camera can be a fun exercise if you are into gear and the technical aspects of large format photography. But for people who don't enjoy that side of things, I think it's worth sharing a …
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