Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about 4-H Digital Photography and much more about photography.
4-H Guide to Digital Photography Paperback -
- none
4-H Photography Project - University of Minnesota
- Composing a photo means arranging the things in it. 4-H'ers explain the rule of thirds, how to set a mood, background and subject, depth of field and more. Perspective 4-H'ers explain perspective: how you see the subject, where to stand, distance, framing, angle, awareness of camera, orientation.
4-H Project Photography - Purdue University
- Project Resources. Photography Level 1: Focus on Photography. Photography Level 2: Controlling the Image. Photography Level 3: Mastering Photography. Score Cards. Creative/Experimental Digital Scorecard, 4-H 483d-W. Salon Print Scorecard, 4-H 485-W. …
Photography | 4-H Youth Development - Iowa State …
- Digital Photography Exhibit. The addition of this class is intended to provide a different photography exhibition experience for 4-H members. It also serves to provide legitimacy to on-line galleries as a medium for photography exhibition. Additionally, the class may reduce barriers for some 4-H’ers who may not have ready access to matting and mounting expertise or …
Photography | State 4H
- Plan a shot, frame a picture, try different lenses, and jazz it up on your computer. This 4-H project is designed to help you explore the world of photography. From learning about camera equipment to capturing great images and sharing what you have …
Photography & Video - Texas 4-H
- The Texas 4-H Photography Judging contest allows 4-H members to demonstrate skills in the evaluation, selection, and placing of photographs based on industry standards and expectations. The 4-H members participating in the contest will judge six classes of photographs and two classes of problems, testing both the participant’s knowledge and skills in the photography …
Minnesota 4-H - Photography
- Minnesota 4-H has photography kits to lend to local groups. They are great for a project meeting, training at camp, multi-county groups, leader training and more. They contain: 20 point-and-shoot digital cameras. A set of National 4-H Photography Project activity books. To …
4-H Photography - Element L
- Hello 4-H photography members, this is Luke Duran. I’m the 4-H Photography project superintendent. This is my eighth year leading this program, and I’m looking forward to working with you! I’m going to lead the photography project differently this year: We will have a series of monthly workshops, but we’re also going to work through the ...
Photography | Creative Arts | Projects - Kansas 4-H
- Kansas State 4-H Office 201 Umberger Hall 1612 Claflin Road Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506. 785-532-5800 785-532-5981 fax [email protected]
4-H | Positive Youth Development and Mentoring …
- The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC 707. 4-H is the youth development program of our Nation’s Cooperative Extension System and USDA. is maintained by National 4-H Council as part of our mission as an independent, private-sector partner to the Cooperative Extension System.
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