Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about 17 Year Old Photographer Diesel and much more about photography.
This 17-Year-Old Photographer Just Won a Prestigious …
- Liron Gertsman waited three days in a humid rainforest to snap the perfect picture
Community Spotlight: Meet An Incredibly Talented 17-Year-Old …
- For this photograph I used my old Sony Alpha A700 body with the Helios 44-2 58mm f/2 lens. It was lit with 3 speedlites. The Mago was in a parabolic umbrella to the camera left, for the second light I had a bare bulb YN560II directly behind her, a little bit above her head, the last light was another YN560II in a 70×70 softbox to the camera right.
Meet the Photographer - Diesel Addict Photos
- Meet the Photographer multicolor 2021-01-23T21:02:25+00:00. 10-4 Magazine Contributions. Thank you for taking the time to look at my website! My name is Stephanie Haas, the face behind Diesel Addict Photos. I was born and raised in Wisconsin with no background in the trucking industry until beginning employment at a limestone quarry in 1997.
17 Year Old Photographer Alex Stoddard + His 365 Project
- With 365 projects – not unlike new years resolutions – many start, few finish. One photographer, a young fellow named Alex Stoddard, not only finished the project BUT is just 17 years old and has created a remarkable body of work in the process. Think you don’t have anything to learn from a 17 year old photographer? Think again.
17 year old photographer | Photography Forums
- 17 year old photographer. Discussion in 'Business of Photography' started by brian_hirschfeld, Mar 21, 2010. brian_hirschfeld. Hi, I am a 17 year old, I have won some national / international awards and have sold some of my work. I have been asked by people over time if I would be a photographer for their families / events and have shied away ...
Photo prodigy: The images of 17-year-old Taylor Gray
- Also, check out the 17-year old Nicholas Lee. He hasn't been posting lately on G+, but some of his earlier work is there. He's got an obvious love for nature, a great eye, and has utterly mastered digital processing. ... I was good in photography class at 17 (in 1969) I had the talent, like Taylor, but I didn't have the drive. Most of the ...
17-year old photographer launches book for the benefit of WWF
- Truly, there is much to be discovered in the vast underwater world, and 17-year old photographer Ganden Medved-Po will give us a glimpse of its beauty as he unveils his “Life Below Water” ocean photography book. Ganden Medved-Po. A joint project with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) – Philippines, “Life Below Water” is a compilation of photos featuring scenic …
17 year old photographer : Entrepreneur -
- 22 votes, 19 comments. It might not seem like anything special to a lot of people, but I have come along way doing what I love. Since I was born I …
Diesel, Terry Richardson Lawsuit by Artist Over Campaign …
- Diesel and Terry Richardson crossed the line between inspiration and theft for a years-old campaign, according to a new lawsuit. Haleigh Nickerson, a woman of color, photographer and digital ...
17 year old photographer (@gracedshots) TikTok | Watch …
- 17 year old photographer. Follow. 11 Following. 12 Followers. 107 Likes. hiya! wanna follow me on instagram? @gracedshots. Videos. Liked. 28. thanks @livpezza for being a lovely model
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